Friday, February 28, 2020

What is a healthy diet?

What is a healthy diet? What it is. Combining the meaning and menu of healthy food for you to know and choose to eat for your good health.

Nowadays, living in a hurry is considered normal. Everyone has a fast-paced life, competing with traveling, eating and working. Giving importance to health is therefore overlooked. Because eating each meal is called if eating finished, tasty, cheap, is considered the menu that is suitable for life and health in each meal for people nowadays enough However, one part of the reasons for the change in people's lifestyle And the receiving of Western cultures to have more influence on people in our country Whether it's a fast food menu The types of hamburgers or single dishes that have been cooked or frozen, which is considered to be very popular nowadays. And the components of these foods are meat, fat, milk, butter, lack of vegetables and vegetables in each meal And causing Thai people to have various illnesses more easily because of the convenience and comfort of choosing food to eat at each meal On the other hand, Westerners have seen the importance of the food they consume, so they turn to eat five groups of food, including meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, vitamins, proteins, which contain all the value and nutrients in each meal more than that. Will choose to eat food conveniently and save time in eating that causes both adverse effects on health and the body itself

Healthy food in childhood

Healthy food is very important to our lives in every age. From childhood to old age, the meaning of healthy food is to choose to eat all five food groups and consume all the food in each meal in all categories exactly. Not too much and not too little Along with being physically together as well Will make your body and health far away from disease, which is known as taking care of your own health easily from choosing the right food Food plays an important role in the growth of all body systems in childhood. It is the most important age in eating all 5 food groups. Eat meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, vitamins, fats, minerals in every menu. Along with resting fully, not sleeping late. Get 8 hours of sleep every day with exercise. Will cause the body to lack of nutrients to repair, nourish and nourish the body to be fully grown as expected.

Healthy food at work

In the working age, choosing healthy foods for your health is even more necessary. Because choosing to eat food that is not useful Choose only foods that are convenient and economical at each meal, which will result in your body and health deteriorating continuously. And the more these foods are eaten more often, the body can accumulate and cause various diseases such as frozen food. Or various fast food Such as french fries or soft drinks, desserts, which in reality As we get older, we should choose foods that are more beneficial to our health as well. No fat, starch, sugar, no salty or spicy food. Various sour These foods are the cause of many serious diseases such as kidney disease, pressure disease, diabetes, heart disease which may not show results at work. But as mentioned above, these foods will continue to accumulate and become waste, destroying different parts of your body at different times.

Healthy food for old age

Eating in old age System in the body that is not slowing down other ages, whether it is digestion. Distribution of nutrients to various parts of the body Choosing the most nutritious food is very necessary for people at this age. Food choices for seniors may be the most beneficial food choices. And consume a quantity that is not as much as working age Coupled with exercise And enough rest Because in that old age Rest and light exercise are the most important. Choosing to eat fish, vegetables, and fruit at each meal is something that should be eaten with milk, eggs, nuts in the right amount. But should avoid fried food, single dish Convenience food Because these foods have no health benefits at all More likely to cause illness to consumers as well.

In general, healthy food is Foods that have been eaten are beneficial to the body. It helps the body to grow and fully repair various parts of the body. Should be eaten in moderation at each meal And is a food that does not cause various diseases to health. Nowadays, turning to consume healthy food is important because the danger from nutrients is available to us every day from delicious food menus that contain fat. These sweetness and strong flavor are the source of long-term accumulation of disease.

Food is important to health and lifestyle. Choosing to pay attention to each meal is the most important thing you must do. Choosing good and healthy food intake Will make us healthy and strong and affect the good life as well.